Separated Parent Policy
Current as of: 31st August 2022
Our focus is on the medical, psychological, and emotional requirements of the children that we see.
Amongst the children who use our services, many come from separated families. Conflict and communication breakdown within families can limit collaboration with health care providers and impact optimal treatment outcomes for the child.
Purpose and objectives:
The purpose of this policy is to outline our work practices and expectations of families to ensure that the best interests of our patients are always prioritised.
This policy applies to all families, carers, and children of families who identify as being separated.
The organisation: Refers to Hunter Children’s Clinics Pty Ltd
Policy content:
It is our expectation that separated parents work together respectfully and cooperatively, regarding the care of their child.
We request that any relevant legal documents or court orders outlining custody of the child or restricting parental involvement are provided prior to the initial consult or as they become available.
Either parent or legal guardian can:
- schedule an appointment with their child
- be present at their appointment
- be sent a copy of their reports
- unless there are court orders preventing this
If the appointment is made by one parent, it is the responsibility of this parent to inform the other parent, invite them to attend, and provide feedback to them.
Decisions regarding a child’s medical treatment (e.g., whether to commence medication or start intervention therapy) should be made jointly by both parents wherever possible.
If only one parent is present for the consult, and the parents/guardians have shared care, then we will require a signed consent form from the parent not present prior to issuing any prescriptions for the child.
Payment is to be made on the day of the child’s appointment. If there is legal agreement that requires the other parent to pay all or part of the treatment costs, it is the attending parent’s responsibility to settle account and collect reimbursement from the other parent.
We do not accept referrals where the purpose of the assessment is to generate information for legal decision making around custody issues of parental separation.
We always try our best to accommodate all family circumstances. Please help us to provide the best care for your children by providing all information regarding your family situation at your first appointment with us.
Related legislation and policy:
- Separated Parent Procedure Hunter Children’s Clinics Pty Ltd
Policy review statement:
This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it reflects the current processes and procedures of the organisation and current legislation requirements.
Date of approval: 31st August 2022
Date of review: 31st August 2023